Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Culture of Business Cards


Our digital media class focused on business cards, specifically referencing the Japanese tradition of Meishi Koukan.  In this class, we went through the importance of creating a visually appealing and informative business card to make an impression on potential clients and partners. By using the design software Adobe InDesign, we started experimenting with different fonts, and colours and created a business card.

Historical Context:
The concept of exchanging business cards was originally a thing in Japan first! Meishi Koukan is a Japanese cultural practice from the 15th century. In Japan, business cards are considered an important tool for networking and establishing professional relationships. The carefully thought design and presentation of Meishi cards reflect the importance of personal connections and attention to detail in Japanese business culture. By learning about Meishi Koukan in a digital media class, I gain a new understanding of the cultural significance of business cards and how design can be used as a communication tool in a global context.

Gaining practical skills in design software is important because it can be applied to a variety of professional projects. By creating your own business cards, students learn how to effectively communicate their personal brand and showcase their skills and expertise. Also, studying Meishi Koukan allows students to appreciate the cultural part of business card exchange and how design can transcend language barriers in a global economy.

I really liked that we learned about Meishi Koukan, exploring the historical roots of business card exchange is very insightful and I always like to hear about the origins of current popular things. Also, the opportunity to experiment with design software such as InDesign (and which I used for the purple design) allowed me to develop creative ability in a practical setting. Overall, a digital media class about business cards offers a valuable learning experience that combines cultural awareness, design proficiency, and professional development.

Future Developments:
As technology continues to evolve every day, the future of business card design may see a change. While traditional paper business cards have been the norm for decades, digital business cards are beginning to gain popularity. These digital cards can be easily shared through apps or email, eliminating the need for physical cards. (Lesson on Business cards)

(Business card I made through an editing app)

(Business card I made through InDesign)

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