Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Ethics of retouching photographs

Ethics of retouching in Photoshop has always been a debate in the field of digital media. Retouching is the process of adding or removing elements from an image to enhance its appeal. This practice has been existing since the early days of photography when retouching was done manually in the darkroom. However, with digital technology and software like Photoshop, retouching has become more accessible and widely used. The ethics of retouching in Photoshop are a complex issue that involves considerations of truth, authenticity, and the impact of retouched images on society.

In the 19th century, photographers would often retouch their images to change features or remove imperfections. This practice was seen as a way to achieve perfection and was accepted as part of the creative process. However, as photography became more accessible and widespread, concerns about the manipulation of images grew. Critics argued that retouching could distort reality and create unrealistic standards of beauty.

The impact of the ethics of retouching in Photoshop extends beyond digital media and photography and into popular culture and advertising. Retouched images are found in magazines, advertisements, and social media, creating an unrealistic standard of beauty that can be damaging to viewers' self-esteem. Critics argue that retouching perpetuates harmful beauty ideals and promotes unrealistic expectations of perfection.

On the other hand, proponents of retouching argue that it is a legitimate tool for creative expression and can enhance the visual impact of the image. Retouching can correct technical flaws, improve composition, and create a more polished final product. Additionally, retouching can be used to emphasise certain elements of the image and guide the viewer's attention.

(I edited the bottom picture and the top picture is the result)


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