Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Recording a podcast

The process of recording the podcast was both fun and challenging. At first I attempted to record it myself but it didn't work out  because I could not think of enough things to talk about in 2 minutes by myself on the spot so I ended up doing a group podcast. I picked the topic of "London" because there are a lot of things we can talk about regarding the city. We covered the weather, the public transport, the differences between London and the city we grew up in and our personal opinion on living here. It was interesting to go into the topics we discussed and share our personal experiences and opinions with each other.  

Editing the podcast was an aspect of the process that required attention to detail. I wanted to ensure that the final product didn't have any weird noises in it so I edited those out. I also cut any time period where no one was talking (usually because one of us was thinking of something to say) to not bore listeners.

my experience recording a podcast with three other classmates was a valuable journey. We explored the complexities of living in London and shared our personal stories and opinions. While the process of recording and editing the podcast had its challenges, the end result was a good audio content.

(Photo from pixabay)

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