Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Blogs and blogging - is it still relevant?

Blogging is a platform for people to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences online. It has been an crucial part of the internet culture for decades. The concept of blogging began back in the early 1990s when it began as a way for everyone to create online diaries or personal journals. Over the years, blogging has became a tool for communication, self-expression, and even business marketing. However, with the rise of social media platforms and video content, some have questioned the relevance of blogging in today's world.

Historically, blogging has played a big part media consumption. Early blogging platforms like LiveJournal, Blogger, and WordPress gave people a platform to publish content online without the need for a lot of technical knowledge. This creation gave voice to a diverse range of perspectives and helped make online communities around shared interests and passions.  

Despite its historical significance and impact, some however argue that blogging has lost its relevance in the era of social media dominance. Platforms like Instagram, and X (formerly and better known as 'Twitter') have become the go-to places for quick content publishing, while video platforms like YouTube and TikTok are immensely popular. As a result, some have questioned whether blogging still has a place in the crowded online landscape.

However, blogging continues to have its unique advantages and strengths that set it apart from other forms of online content. Blogs allow for long-form content that can dive deep into topics and provide detailed analysis and insights. They also offer greater control and ownership over content compared to social media platforms, where algorithms can dictate visibility and reach.

(Photo from Pixabay) (lesson on bloggin)

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