Friday, March 15, 2024

Logos and Brands - How they work together

Logos play a big role in the branding of a company or an organisation. They are visual symbols that are used to represent a brand and they are often the first point of contact for consumers. Logos are usually designed to be unique, memorable, and easily recognisable to the consumers. Logos can come in various forms, including symbols, typographic designs, or a combination of both. A well-designed logo can represent the identity and values of a brand in a single image, making it a useful tool for brand recognition.

There are a lot of benefits for having a strong logo, for example: 

- helps a brand stand out in a crowded marketplace

- attract new customers 

- promise trust and credibility to consumers

There are a lot of big and iconic brands that are recognized by their logos alone: Nike's swoosh symbol, Apple's bitten apple, and McDonald's golden arches are all examples of logos that are the face of their respective brands. These logos have become so ingrained in our every day life that they can instantly evoke the values and emotions associated with the brand they represent.

When designing a logo, it is important to consider the brand personality that you want to convey. It does not have to be a ridiculous piece of art but the logo should reflect the brand's values, mission, and target audience. For example, a tech company might need a  smooth and modern logo to portray innovation and technology, while a healthy/vegan food company may choose a logo with earthy tones and organic shapes to signify health and sustainability.

Logos are a key element of branding that can have a significant impact on a company's success. A well-designed logo can help a brand stand out, attract new customers, and have its own personality and values to consumers. By creating a strong and memorable logo, brands can establish a connection with their target audience and achieve long-term brand loyalty.

                                   (This is a logo I made of my initials)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

XU and UI

 We had a digital media lesson on user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), it was both informative and interesting to me. Through this lesson, I got a deeper understanding of what is UI, the confusion people have between UI and UX in creating a positive user experience, as well as the role it plays in shaping the aesthetics of digital products. We also also looked at UI jobs and skill needed for those jobs.

User Interface design is important to the success of any digital product, as it directly impacts how users interact with the product. The lesson talked through the similarities and differences between UI and user experience (UX) design, telling us the importance of creating consistent, accessible, and functional products that are user-friendly. While UX design focuses on the overall user experience, UI design specifically applies to to the aesthetics and look and feel of the product. This includes things such as colour, font, text size, spacing, layout, and the design of buttons. A strong UI design can result in a user experience where users do not even notice the design, while a poorly designed UI can lead to frustration and confusion, ultimately causing users to abandon the product.

                                               (Photo from pixabay)

Principle of a podcast


A podcast is an audio or video series were the host(s) has a discussion about a certain topic. A podcast is typically episodic with new episodes released regularly. Podcasts cover a wide range of topics, sometimes talking about a certain show, sport, music, celebrity  or discussing topics like relationships, living in certain places and much more. 

There are several types of podcasts that cater to different interests and preferences.

- Non-fiction storytelling podcasts are usually really popular, the hosts either tells a story from experience or reads out stories the audience have commented/messaged. These podcasts often create an immersive experience for the listener as they can relate personally to it.

- Interview podcasts have a host or pair of co-hosts who conduct interviews with a person, usually celebrity, or persons of interest. These interviews can cover a wide range of topics, from politics to entertainment to personal stories.

- Monologue podcasts feature a single individual giving their views on a particular field. This individual can be an expert of the said field or any person with knowledge or insights to share. 

- Conversational podcasts involve a panel of hosts who record themselves conversations about a very debatable topic. These podcasts can cover a wide range of topics some very sensitive like conflicts around the world. The conversational format allows for a more natural and spontaneous dialogue between the hosts, making it engaging for the listeners.

The impact of podcasts on media consumption and storytelling cannot be understated. Podcasts have provided a platform for everyone to have their stories heard. The rise of podcasting has allowed anyone with a microphone and a story to share their voice with a global audience.

(Photo from pixabay)

Recording a podcast

The process of recording the podcast was both fun and challenging. At first I attempted to record it myself but it didn't work out  because I could not think of enough things to talk about in 2 minutes by myself on the spot so I ended up doing a group podcast. I picked the topic of "London" because there are a lot of things we can talk about regarding the city. We covered the weather, the public transport, the differences between London and the city we grew up in and our personal opinion on living here. It was interesting to go into the topics we discussed and share our personal experiences and opinions with each other.  

Editing the podcast was an aspect of the process that required attention to detail. I wanted to ensure that the final product didn't have any weird noises in it so I edited those out. I also cut any time period where no one was talking (usually because one of us was thinking of something to say) to not bore listeners.

my experience recording a podcast with three other classmates was a valuable journey. We explored the complexities of living in London and shared our personal stories and opinions. While the process of recording and editing the podcast had its challenges, the end result was a good audio content.

(Photo from pixabay)

Fashion Avatars

Fashion avatars have recently been creating a big impact in the fashion industry, opening up new possibilities for personalisation, inclusivity, and sustainability. With virtual styling, consumers can try on clothes and accessories from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for physical shopping and minimising environmental impact. Fashion avatars also allow for greater diversity and representation in the industry, as they are not limited by traditional standards of beauty or size. Brands can create inclusive and accessible experiences for all users through digital models and customization options.

However, there are also negative aspects to consider when it comes to fashion avatars. One concern is the potential for displacement of real-life models and influencers, as companies may prioritise virtual representations over human talent. This could lead to a loss of jobs and opportunities for those working in the fashion industry. Additionally, there are ethical considerations around the use of digital models, as they raise questions about authenticity, manipulation, and transparency. Consumers may be misled or confused by virtual representations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.

As technology continues to advance, we can expect more realistic and virtual experiences in the world of fashion. Brands may invest more in digital marketing strategies and virtual try-on tools to engage with their audiences in new ways. At the same time, there will be ongoing discussions around ethics, diversity, and sustainability in the use of fashion avatars, as industry stakeholders navigate the evolving landscape of digital fashion.

 (Photo from pixabay)


E-waste, short for electronic waste, refers to discarded electronic devices. The term encompasses everything from old televisions and computers to outdated smartphones and tablets. The issue of e-waste has led to more frequent turnover of electronic devices. 
As consumers embraced new technologies and upgraded their devices more frequently, the amount of electronic waste generated also increased. In the early days of electronic devices, there was little consideration for the disposal of these products, leading to widespread environmental pollution and health hazards.

The impact of e-waste on the environment is important. Electronic devices contain a variety of dangerous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the soil and water if not properly disposed of. Improper recycling and disposal of e-waste can also release toxic chemicals into the air, contributing to air pollution and respiratory illnesses. In addition to the environmental impact, e-waste also poses health risks to those involved in the informal recycling sector, who are often exposed to harmful substances without proper protective gear.

(Photo from pixabay)


Infographics have become an increasingly popular way to display complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. 

Infographics have been used for centuries as a way to convey information in a visual format. One of the earliest examples of infographics can be seen in ancient cave paintings, where early humans used images to communicate stories and information. In more recent history, infographics have been used in newspapers and magazines to visually represent data and statistics. However, it was not until the digital age that infographics truly became popular.

Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter have helped to popularise infographics as a way to quickly and effectively communicate information to a wide audience. The rise of data visualisation tools like Adobe Illustrator have also made it easier for individuals and organisations to create their own infographics.

Infographics have helped to make complex information more accessible and digestible to the general public. They have been used in a variety of fields, including journalism, marketing, and education, to help convey information in a more engaging and memorable way. In addition, infographics have been shown to increase engagement and retention of information, making them an invaluable tool for communication.
(An infographic I made)


Why use mood boards?


Mood boards have been in the creative industries for many years. They are seen as a visual representations of ideas, concepts, and emotions that help designers, artists, and creators communicate their vision to others. The concept of mood boards go back to the early 20th century when artists and designers began creating collages of images, textures, colours, and materials to inspire their work. Over time, mood boards have become a popular concept in the creative fields such as graphic design, fashion, interior design, and advertising.

The impact of mood boards on the creative process cannot be underestimated. By providing a visual reference point for ideas and concepts, mood boards help artists and designers clarify their vision, experiment with different approaches, and communicate their ideas to audience or collaborators. Mood boards can also serve as a source of inspiration, sparking new ideas and sparking creativity in ways that traditional brainstorming methods may not.

(A moodboard I made)

Smart objects in photoshop

One of the primary advantages of using smart objects in Photoshop is the flexibility they provide. Designers can easily make adjustments to images without losing quality of the original image data. Smart objects can be resized, transformed, and manipulated in various ways without losing any quality. These objects also allow for easy collaboration, as designers can easily share their work with others without worrying about losing image data.

Smart objects can be combined with other Photoshop features, such as adjustment layers, text layers, and blending options, to create complex and visually stunning images. These objects help streamline the design process and allow for greater creativity and experimentation. By using smart objects, designers can easily test different effects and styles without committing to permanent changes.

However, there are also some limitations to using smart objects in Photoshop. One of the main drawbacks is that the layer is protected inside the smart object container, which means that its pixels cannot be directly edited. This can be frustrating for designers who need to perform detailed editing tasks, such as dodging and burning, cloning, or dust removal. In these cases, designers may need to work around the limitations of smart objects or convert them back to regular layers to make the necessary edits.

(Photo from pixabay) (Lesson on smart objects)



Brandalism is a form of activism that emerged in the UK during the 2012 Olympics, using 'culture jamming' to critique and challenge the power of corporations. This international collective of artists and activists focuses on anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist, and environmental concerns, seeking to disrupt the public relations advertising of big businesses by intervening in ad spaces that typically promote consumption. By using subversion as a tool to highlight the social and environmental injustices perpetuated by capitalism, Brandalism aims to agitate, educate, and empower individuals who want to challenge corporate power.

Brandalism serves as a powerful tool for raising awareness about pressing social and environmental issues. By infiltrating public spaces typically dominated by corporate advertising, Brandalism forces viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about the destructive nature of consumerist culture. Through their interventions, exhibitions, and workshops, Brandalism encourages critical thinking and active engagement with the issues at hand. By providing resources and guides for individuals to participate in these activities, Brandalism has democratized the process of challenging corporate power, making it accessible to a wider audience.
(Photo from pixabay)

Cutting-out hair photoshop

The process of cutting out hair in Photoshop is a skill that many photographers and graphic designers use. By using tools such as the object selection tool, quick selection tool, and select and mask function, users can create precise and clean cut-outs of hair in their images. 

The object selection tool is a great starting point for cutting out hair in Photoshop. By selecting this tool and making sure that 'select subject' is clicked above the image, you can quickly create a rough selection around the hair. This initial step helps to define the area that needs to be extracted. 

Once the initial selection is made, users can switch to the quick selection tool to refine the edges of the hair if needed. This tool allows for more precise adjustments and helps to create a cleaner cut-out. After refining the selection, clicking on 'select and mask' above the image opens up the properties window, where users can further fine-tune the cut-out. 

In the properties window, selecting 'view mode' on black provides a clearer view of the hair against the background, making it easier to see any areas that need refining. The refine sliders and refine hair brush can be used to perfect the edges of the hair and ensure a seamless cut-out. Additionally, decontaminating colours can help to remove any leftover background colours that may still be present in the hair. 

To complete the process, users can output the cut-out to a new layer with a layer mask by selecting this option at the base of the properties panel and clicking OK. Adding a new coloured layer underneath the cut-out mask allows users to view the final result and make any additional adjustments if necessary. Double-clicking on the layer mask provides extra refining controls, giving users even more flexibility in creating a clean and accurate cut-out of hair in Photoshop. 
(Photo from pixabay) 

Google trends

Google Trends is a tool that provides insights into the popularity of search terms over time. It allows users to track the interest in specific topics or keywords, helping businesses, researchers, and individuals to understand trends and make informed decisions.

Google Trends was launched in 11th May 2006 as a service that allows users to see how often specific keywords, subjects, or phrases have been searched for on Google. The tool aggregates search data and presents it in easy-to-read graphs, showing the popularity of a given term over time, as well as its regional interest. This data can be broken down by country, region, or city, providing valuable insights into search patterns and trends.

The tool may not always provide accurate or representative data, as it relies on search queries made on Google. This means that results may be influenced by factors such as seasonality, media coverage, or changes in user behaviour.

Overall, Google Trends has revolutionised the way we analyse and understand search data, providing a powerful tool for data-driven decision-making.

(Photo from pixabay) (Lesson on google trends.)

AI in photoshop


Using AI for photoshop has become a game-changer in the world of photo editing. This technology has revolutionised the way images are enhanced and manipulated, allowing users to achieve results with so much ease and efficiency. 

One of the key companies in the development of AI for photoshop is Adobe, the company behind the popular photo editing software, Photoshop. Adobe has been at the front foot of using AI technology into its products, introducing features like Content-Aware Fill, which uses machine learning algorithms to intelligently fill in missing areas of an image based on its surrounding content. This feature has been praised for its effectiveness and has become a staple tool for photographers and graphic designers.

The impact of using AI for photoshop has been intense, it's transforming the way images are edited and enhancing the creative possibilities for photographers and designers. With the help of AI-powered tools, users can achieve professional-level results with minimal effort, allowing them to focus on the artistic aspects of their work rather than the technicalities of image editing. This has democratised the field of photography, making advanced editing techniques accessible to beginners and professionals alike.

Despite its many benefits, AI has of course faced a lot of criticism specifically by artists and photographers. Using AI for photoshop raises concerns about the ethical implications of manipulating images with advanced technology. The ability to remove reality and create hyper-realistic images has raised questions about authenticity and truthfulness in photography, leading to debates about the use of AI-generated content in media and advertising. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential misuse of AI-powered tools for creating deepfakes and other forms of deceptive imagery.

Despite these advancements, personally I am against AI for several reasons. One of my primary concerns is the potential impact of AI on the job market. As AI becomes more developed, there is a real risk of automation replacing human workers in various industries. This could lead to widespread unemployment and economic instability, as large numbers of people find themselves unable to compete with machines that are faster, more efficient, and cheaper to employ.

While AI has the potential to bring about significant advancements in various fields, there are valid concerns that must be addressed. The ethical implications, job displacement, privacy concerns, and existential risks associated with AI underscore the need for careful consideration and regulation in its development. 

(I used AI to edit the bottom picture, the top picture is the result)

Ethics of retouching photographs

Ethics of retouching in Photoshop has always been a debate in the field of digital media. Retouching is the process of adding or removing elements from an image to enhance its appeal. This practice has been existing since the early days of photography when retouching was done manually in the darkroom. However, with digital technology and software like Photoshop, retouching has become more accessible and widely used. The ethics of retouching in Photoshop are a complex issue that involves considerations of truth, authenticity, and the impact of retouched images on society.

In the 19th century, photographers would often retouch their images to change features or remove imperfections. This practice was seen as a way to achieve perfection and was accepted as part of the creative process. However, as photography became more accessible and widespread, concerns about the manipulation of images grew. Critics argued that retouching could distort reality and create unrealistic standards of beauty.

The impact of the ethics of retouching in Photoshop extends beyond digital media and photography and into popular culture and advertising. Retouched images are found in magazines, advertisements, and social media, creating an unrealistic standard of beauty that can be damaging to viewers' self-esteem. Critics argue that retouching perpetuates harmful beauty ideals and promotes unrealistic expectations of perfection.

On the other hand, proponents of retouching argue that it is a legitimate tool for creative expression and can enhance the visual impact of the image. Retouching can correct technical flaws, improve composition, and create a more polished final product. Additionally, retouching can be used to emphasise certain elements of the image and guide the viewer's attention.

(I edited the bottom picture and the top picture is the result)


Smart textiles / Cookies

Smart textiles first were a thing in the early 1980s when researchers began exploring ways to integrate electronics into fabrics. The first  available smart textile products came in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with companies like Philips and Nike leading the way with products such as the Philips Luminous Fabric and Nike+ running shoes. Since then, smart textiles have continued to evolve, with advances in nanotechnology and wearable technology driving further innovation in the field.

Cookies, on the other hand, have a more recent history. The term "cookie" started by web developer Lou Montulli in 1994, and since then, cookies have become an important part of online advertising and user experience. While cookies have faced criticism for their potential privacy problems, they have also enabled companies to deliver personalised content and recommendations to users, leading to increased engagement and revenue.

The impact of smart textiles and cookies is complicated. Smart textiles have the potential to revolutionise industries such as healthcare, sports, and fashion, by enabling new functionalities such as biometric monitoring, temperature regulation, and augmented reality experiences. Cookies, on the other hand, have transformed the way that companies approach online advertising and data collection, by allowing for targeted marketing campaigns and personalised user experiences
(Photo from pixabay) (Lesson on smart textiles and cookies.)

Digital Culture & Human Andriods

Culture is a concept that has elements and influences, including beliefs, traditions, language, art, music etc. It shapes how individuals view and perceive the world around them, interact with others, and make use of their experiences. digital culture, on the other hand, is the interaction between human culture and technology. It is about the ways in which technology has influenced and even changed lots of aspects of human society like communication, social interactions, work and entertainment. Digital culture evolves by the rapid pace of technology change, which has revolutionised the way we live, work, and play.

One of the key concepts in digital culture is the idea of the cyborg, a hybrid being that combines organic and artificial elements. The term "cyborg" was first a thing by scientists in the 1960s to describe a human being with enhanced abilities through technological enhancements. In digital culture, the concept of the cyborg has taken on new meanings and implications, as technology becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives.


Tilly Lockey is a young girl who has made a significant impact in the field of technology and innovation, especially in prosthetics. At a young age, Tilly lost both of her hands to meningitis, but she has not let this hold her back. Instead, she has become an inspirational figure for many, showcasing both her own resilience and the power technology has to transform lives.

The concept of the cyborg is an example of the ways in which humans are becoming increasingly integrated with technology, closing the boundaries between the organic and the artificial. Individuals like Tilly Lockey demonstrate the creative possibilities that come with when technology and culture intersect. 

(Photo from pixabay) (lesson on digital culture)

Digital Media

Digital media is an umbrella term used to describe various forms of media that are produced, created, or distributed online. Media typically...